No lullabies for me tonight

No lullabies for me tonight, no arms to hold me tight, stepping into darkness, praying I’m alright, change and pain and life a new, a path I need to follow, along the tracks to happiness as I’m meandering along my way, this empty heart is hoping for you to come and stay, and you to help me banish all my darkness away 

Tell her!

Tell her that she’s beautiful. Tell her that she’s everything you’ve ever wanted and don’t stop telling her until she believes it. Tell her that she makes you happy like no one else can, But ONLY if you truly mean it. Don’t be the reason that keeps her awake at nights trying to figure out where she went wrong for you to give your heart to others or why she didn’t think you loved her enough that she slowly starts to fades away into the night.Give her your attention and don’t put others before her. Be the one that will love her wholeheartedly and unconditionally now and forever. Be the one who WON’T let her forget how much she means to you and always will. DON’T let yourself fade from a girl who will give you her all.  

Real friends know 

I’m not ok, I say I’m fineIt’s how I cope with pain but my real friends know when I am down and come and hold my hand, for at your lowest you find the truth the ones who really care because at your lowest they’re the ones, the only ones that are there


She sits and cries 

She sits and cries her love is lost all broken but life goes on, the pain of loneliness, the ache of loss, now that he is gone, gone to soon, their future died, as she held him in her arms, but she can’t see the truth of it, he lives within her heart, embracing her, caressing her, nevermore apart    


Sleep invades my Conscious mind
I’m leaving all my troubles behind
The vail of darkness begins to fall And suddenly I’m very small My mind is freed to explore at last Making since of all my past
The silence raps Oblivion comes at last And then confusion as my future dawns 



I tried not to let it show. The scars and damage. 

My wounded heart , broken 

ribs and soul. The sorrow 

and pain. The thought of 

not being the same as they 

wanted me to be. Society 

was to blame. Took a mattress instead of a boat. Off to the 

river I went to make it float. 

Had nothing with me but white sheets and a pillow. Left my 

books and music back home. 

I watched the fish swim from 

down below between the river 

black and silver grey stones. Wondered for hours in my 

thoughts. Was this decision 

right or was it wrong. To 

runaway miles from home. 

Or to let the voices in my 

head take full control. Laid 

back on my mattress and 

looked above to God’s velvet 

red skies. The sun was setting 

down. It was so calm and quiet. 

The waters created good 

vibes along. Felt like this 

was some kind of meditation. 

I never felt this better with 

out my antidepressants 

medication before. Shut 

my eyes and wondered 

through the empty 

hallways of my mind. 

They were pretty much 

like dark corridors. 

Shadows of the night 

followed along. Shut 

my eyes and listened 

to the soft melodies 

of the gentle currents. 

Thought of staying 

out in the river some 

more and row back 

later to home when 

I feel ready and strong 



I hope you had the sweetest dreams of peace and love and hope, I hope you find your world at rest with space for you to cope, I hope I find you smiling that face alive with fun, I hope your eyes can sparkle like they did when you were young IMG_6176.JPG

Life goes on

Rainbow fills the after rain sky, pain subsides and life moves on, rainbows end where treasure rest, lights up the path to hope, never quite within your grasp, it’s the journey that’s important, for at life’s end when your story’s read the positives stand bold, the dark days wither and almost go, remain as just reminders, your life is full with many things most good some dark few painful   

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