Significant women #women #thanks

There are 7 billion people on this planet, in my 49 years here there have been 11 significant women, 

the first was my mother, who made me who I am
The next to were my sisters who were the first women who I would fight to protect

The next was my first girlfriend, I was 14 years old and i loved her with all my heart till she broke my heart, but still a good friend

Then the was my wife, who I will always care about, she was the mother of the next two, my girls the two most special people in my world, they taught me what it meant to love unconditionally

Then there was my friend who I love with all my heart, she taught me how to be the person I want to be

Next was her, who taught me pain, she push me to the point were I nearly never returned

Then there was a stranger who saved my life one night, and tells me that I saved her she’s special 

And then and finally my one in seven billion, the fixer of my darkness and soulmate till the end 
There are others who have helped me, others who I love, but only one I need to hold a true gift from above 


Author: Peter

Writer and co-founder of From Heartbreak to Happiness

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